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English Expressions for Describing the Weather
发布日期:2024-11-03 17:34    点击次数:181

English Expressions for Describing the Weather


### 1. 精炼的日子

- The sun is shining brightly.

- It's a beautiful sunny day.

- There isn't a cloud in the sky.

### 2. 多云的日子

- The sky is overcast.

- It's partly cloudy.

- There are clouds gathering.

### 3. 雨天

- It's raining cats and dogs. (雨下得至极大)

- There's a light drizzle.

- It's pouring down rain.


### 4. 风大的日子

- It's quite windy outside.

- The wind is howling.

- There's a strong breeze blowing.

### 5. 清凉的日子

- It's freezing cold.

- Brr, 策勒县圣爱冷光源有限公司 it's chilly out there!

- It's a bone-chilling day.

### 6. 热心的日子

- It's pleasantly warm.

- The temperature is just right.

- It's a balmy day.

### 7. 下雪的日子

- It's snowing heavily.

- There's a blanket of snow on the ground.

- It's a white Christmas.

### 8. 雾大的日子

- It's foggy today.

- Visibility is low due to the fog.

- The mist is thick.

### 9. 雷暴天气

- There's a thunderstorm brewing.

- Lightning is flashing across the sky.

- It's raining with thunder and lightning.

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